Monday, May 23, 2011

The Month of May and Mia- The Actual Birthday

I wasn't kidding when I said we had been celebrating Mia's birthday for a month. Went up to Maine where she received this shirt.
which is pretty much perfect for her.

I did really well, I did not cry at all..but it was hard..

The day started out by us getting dress with a shirt that Grammy gave her, for a special birthday girl.

then we went to have a fun time by going to Mini Music Makers, a music class that we go to once a week...

Next we to Wholefoods to get a birthday day cupcake worthy of this cute girl...I think I got it right

The plate was made by Grammy before Mia was even born, it makes for a great tradition, I think we may do cupcakes from now on instead of a cake..we shall see.

When Craig came home, we got out her birthday ring, which has a figure of...The Murple Kitty on it.
and Craig and I said Happy Birthday to Mia

And then the cupcake eating fun began, this is only the second time in her life that Mia has had THAT much sugar and she was loving it!.

All in all, it was a great day, at night Craig read her the Rainbow Bridge Story that I had written for her.

                                                 Mia’s Rainbow Bridge Story
Once upon a time, in a forest not too far away, a Girl-Fairy was sitting on a mushroom, sunning herself on the edge of a rainbow.  The Girl-Fairy heard a voice far up in the sky, the voice of a child saying, “Please find me a family that I may play with and love.”  The Girl-Fairy sat up with a start and whispered “Who said that?” The Child showed herself, sitting on a cloud in the heavens just above the rainbow. The Child said “I did.   Please Girl-Fairy find me a family that I may play with and love.”

The Girl-Fairy thought and thought and said, “I will ask my friend Boy-Fairy, he and I will find you a family.”  The Girl-Fairy flew to her friend Boy-Fairy, who was napping in the wild flowers. “Boy-Fairy!” said Girl-Fairy, “There is a heavenly child looking for a family that she can play with and love.  We must help her find one!” The Boy-Fairy agreed, and they began their search.
The Fairies, searched high and low, over tree tops and under rocks, they peaked in windows and down chimneys, but they had yet to find a family for the heavenly child.   Until one day they saw a kitty sitting in a window, snoozing in the sunlight.

“Kitty”, the Boy-Fairy called, what is your name?” The kitty yawned and stretched, and said “Murple is my name, why have you interrupted my nap?”  “We are looking for a family for our heavenly friend to come to and play with love, do you know of any?” the Girl-Fairy asked.

“Why yes I do!” said the Murple Kitty, “The earthly people I live with would make a wonderful Mama and Dada to a little child.  I chose them to live with because I saw kindness and love in them. They take care of me, give a warm place to sleep, and feed me kitty treats.  I am very glad I chose them to live with.”

The fairies agreed that if such a couple could treat a kitty so well, that they would be perfect for the heavenly child. They raced back to the rainbow, and told the heavenly child all about the Murple kitty’s family. The Child agreed that this would be the perfect family, but how to get them to the rainbow, so that The Child could come down to earth?

“Leave that to us,” the fairies said.

That night the Girl-fairy whispered into the Mama’s ear while she slept, “There is a child waiting for you at the end of the rainbow in the forest, come find her.
The Boy-fairy whispered in the Dada’s ear while he slept, “There is a child waiting for you at the end of the rainbow in the forest, come find her.”
The next morning the early couple awoke and spoke about the whispers the heard.  They decided together to take a walk in the forest.
The found the rainbow, and said “We are here fairies, where is the child?”
It was at that moment that the heavenly child slid down the rainbow and became a baby in the Mama’s arms.  They called her Mia-Bean…  And she took her first steps right before she was One Year Old!

Happy Birthday Mia..with all my love.

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