Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Re-charge

Winter time can be hard to get things moving, and I will admit there are days where I really do not want to get out of my pjs. So I decided to participate in an online Family Re-charge...given by someone I have come to admire.Erin Barrette Goodman. Every day for 10 days I receive an email, talking about ways to get my little family involved in creating a household  rhythm.
Today I was able to put 2 of those emails into practice.
The First one was to go outside, since we do not have a yard I am not really good about this one, but today I bundled Mia up and we went to a nearby park, where she ran around on the playground and loved it.
When we came home we decided to try our hands out with cooking, I am not a great cook so this should be an adventure. I went with cookies, cause really who doesn't love a good cookie. With aprons on we stirred our way to some pretty delicious treats.

The results, the some what healthy, oatmeal-craisin cookies ( I say some what cause I added chocolate chips)
Overall? a pretty good day..= )


  1. chocolate is good for you! so they were all the way healthy! :)

  2. perfect! then they are totally healthy!

  3. LOVE the pics!! :) SO glad you re-charged :)


Day 1- The Morning..

It has been a while my readers and I aplogize...life got in the way... The kiddos have gotten old and growing fast...and we added yet anoth...