Today with the help of some very good friends, we had a cleaning party, we made some pulled pork, got some side, provide some beverages, and went to town, for some much needed, dusting, vacuuming, organizing and storing..and here are the results
I love that it isn't perfect, but it is much more manageable, and I don't feel like hiding under the covers, when I got to straighten up
The before is pretty ugly, so I just show some of the after..I can not tell you how much of a relief it was so get so much done.
This is the "yellow room" which really ends up being the catchall room, and usually ends up being the messiest room in the house
Part of the living room
The Hutch
Part of Mia's play area
More Pantry
Mia's room
This used to store a ton of DVDs, I bought a case for most of them, and now I can use the space for books that I want to read downstairs, and not hide them under my coffee table which has shelves, where I forget about them half the time.
The other part of Mia's play area
Mia enjoying a chocolate donut after all her hard work, it was a great day to take a walk as well